Cavities are a hot topic in the dental industry. We could talk about cavity prevention all day long!! But we can’t discuss how to prevent a cavity without first asking what a cavity really is. 

What do you think a cavity is?

Most people would say: 

  • “A build-up of harmful bacteria.”
  • “Something that makes a hole in the tooth.”
  • “A bug?”

According to the Mayo Clinic, “Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes” (Mayo Clinic 2022). When bacteria stays on your teeth for an extended amount of time, it creates an acid that eats away at your tooth and creates a hole. So while a cavity can be caused by harmful bacteria, a cavity itself is what we call a hole in the tooth. 

When cavities are beginning to develop, this damage may be microscopic and impossible to see. But over time the decay grows and spreads, causing larger and deeper areas of damage. If left untreated, this decay can spread into deeper parts of the tooth causing serious damage. This is why it’s so important to get regular dental checkups! We are trained to catch cavities early and fix them before they spread. 

How do we fix a cavity?

Our goal is to stop a cavity before it spreads too deep and kills your tooth. This is easily done with a filling. There are a few different types of fillings available. A composite filling is natural looking and tooth colored, while an amalgam filling is silver colored. The most popular choice is composite fillings because most people prefer a natural look and we agree! When we perform a filling, we take a few simple steps to save your tooth. 

  1. Numb your mouth. We begin by injecting a local anesthetic into the area surrounding your cavity. Teeth are very sensitive so we work hard to prevent pain. 
  1. Remove tooth decay. The most important part of the filling process is removing all of the damaged areas. We will make sure to get out all the decay and save as much of your tooth as possible! 
  1. Fill the hole. We don’t want you walking around with a hole in your tooth, so we make sure to fill the hole and seal it closed using a natural looking composite filling. 
  1. Smooth and finish. The last step of getting a filling is to polish and smooth everything out. We will remove all the weird bumps and lumps from the composite fillings and make sure you leave with a beautiful and healthy smile. 

This process will leave you feeling numb for a couple of hours afterward and we recommend avoiding very hot or cold food for a day while your filling sets. But that’s all the recovery time you’ll need! 

The best way to avoid a cavity is to make sure you brush and floss daily, removing all the harmful bacteria before it has a chance to cause damage. And be sure to come in for all your regular checkups so we can make sure everything is well. But we understand nobody is perfect and life happens, so if you happen to get a cavity we will be here to help! Don’t be afraid to reach out if you’re experiencing pain, discomfort, or have missed your last checkup. You can reach us at (509) 927-5909 during business hours, or leave a voicemail anytime!