
Why You Might Need It:

Sealants are a great way to protect teeth from bacterial infections that can result in cavities. It is recommended that you get sealants between the ages of 6 and 14 to maximize the benefit sealants provide. Many insurances cover the cost of sealants before age 15. (Please review your specific insurance plan for details.)

What is the Procedure?

After prepping the tooth, the sealant solution is painted onto the tooth surface where it attaches to the tooth and hardens. It is a quick, easy and painless procedure.

What to Expect After Your Appointment:

The sealant will take the shape of your bite/teeth within 3 days after application. Within a few days, you shouldn’t even notice them.

Please feel free to call the office at (509) 927-5909) or request an appointment with any questions or concerns.