
dental implants dentistry nightingale family dental Spokane valley
Why You Might Need It:

An implant is the permanent application of an artificial tooth root into your jaw bone structure to replace a missing tooth. An implant and replacement tooth can be a permanent and low maintenance solution to a missing tooth.

What is the Procedure?

An implant procedure involves surgically placing an artificial tooth root into the jaw structure. Extensive numbing and/or anesthesia is required for the placement to minimize discomfort. After the root heals and the jaw bone material secures the root in place, an artificial tooth can be placed on top of the root for a permanent and natural looking tooth replacement.

What to Expect After Your Appointment:

Swelling and discomfort are expected after the implant placement and can be managed with over the counter pain relief aids. After the implant heals (anywhere from 3-6 months after placement), the implant can then be fitted with a permanent artificial tooth.

If you’re interested in talking to us about whether an implant is a great solution for you, please give us a call at (509) 927-5909) or request an appointment online.