“Do I need a night guard?” This might be a question you’ve asked yourself.  The answer might not be as straightforward as you’d imagine.  

In this blog post, we will help you ask some questions to determine if a night guard is the right choice for you. Our goal is for you to be as comfortable as possible while you sleep, and protect your teeth at the same time!

Do you grind your teeth at night? 

Grinding teeth (also known as bruxism) at night is a very common problem. It is how your body deals with stress and other emotions in your sleep. This can result in wear and tear on your teeth and can potentially lead to cracked teeth.

A lot of people don’t even realize that they grind their teeth until they are told by a partner or dentist! But once it is discovered, patients will often then notice it, even during the day. A night guard can help release this tension and prevent cracked or chipped teeth while you sleep.

An easy way to tell if you grind your teeth is by feeling your front two teeth with your tongue. Do they feel rigid? Can you notice a small chip? These can be signs you don’t notice with your eye but can feel with your tongue! 

Do you often wake up with headaches? 

No one enjoys waking up with a headache, it can throw off your whole day. Morning headaches can be the result of tension carried in your jaw overnight. Much like stress throughout the day can have you leaving work with a headache, stress at night can have you starting your day with a headache. Wearing a night guard can reduce the amount of stress carried in your jaw overnight. 

A night guard provides a “cushion” between your upper and lower jaw, preventing the buildup of tension and stress. These can be super beneficial for our patients who struggle with headaches! 

Why choose a night guard over a retainer? 

While many people assume night guards and retainers achieve a similar result, they actually have fundamentally different uses. Retainers help keep your teeth straight, they reduce shifting, and maintain results from braces. A night guard reduces broken teeth, sore jaw muscles, and damage to the underlying bone. Another key difference between night guards and retainers is that night guards are only worn at night, as opposed to retainers which can be worn all day or even permanently fixed into the mouth. So, while retainers and night guards can appear to accomplish the same job, they serve two totally different purposes! 

What can we do to help with teeth grinding? 

If you struggle with any of these issues, or if we notice signs of teeth grinding at your next appointment, it may be time to think about a night guard. This isn’t bad or even unusual.

Many people use night guards to improve their sleep and maintain their dental health. Depending on your concerns, we can come up with a specific and individualized treatment plan to keep you (and your jaw) relaxed, protect your teeth and keep headaches at bay.

We want you to fully enjoy your sleep without having to worry about chipped teeth or headaches. For further questions about night guards come see us or call our office at (509) 927-5909 for the next available appointment.