
Why You Might Need It:

When there is decay present in a tooth, it needs to be removed as soon as it’s discovered. Once the decay is removed, a substance is inserted in the empty space left in the tooth as a result of removing the decay. Fillings can also be used to fill in small cracks or fissures in the tooth.

What is the Procedure?

Most decay removal requires a desensitization of the area prior to the procedure with a gentle injection. After the area is sufficiently numb, the decay is removed from the tooth. After the decay is removed, there is an empty space that needs to be “filled.” A substance is inserted into the space to restore the surface of the tooth.

What to Expect After Your Appointment:

After your filling, you may continue to be numb for a time until the anesthetic wears off. It is important to be aware of any movements involving your mouth such as eating and drinking because you may not be able to fully feel the area that is numb.

The filling may also cause a change in feeling when you bite down. This is normal and the awareness of a “difference” in your bite usually goes away within a week.

If you have any questions or concerns after one week of receiving the filling, please feel free to contact the office for a follow up visit. (In the rare case of extreme pain or swelling, please contact the office immediately.)

Think you might need a filing? Give us a call at (509) 927-5909 or request an appointment.