Restore Your Teeth

Restorative services are typically thought of as any services that restore or ”fix” your damaged teeth and oral structures. Fillings, crowns, and extractions are some of the more common restorative services.

Restorative services also include replacing missing teeth! The goal of restorative services is to get your mouth back to its optimum state!

Restorative services can solve some of these common dental issues:


Bad breath


Missing teeth


Tooth Pain


Tooth erosion


Wisdom tooth/teeth issues


Gaps in teeth

The most common restorative services questions we get asked are:

What is a Filling?

A way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape.

What is a Crown?

An artificial tooth used to cap a damaged tooth.

What is an Extraction?

A dental procedure during which your tooth is completely removed from its socket.

What is an Implant?

An artificial tooth that is surgically permanently placed to restore a missing tooth.

What is a Root Canal?

Eliminates bacteria from the infected tooth, prevent reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth.

What are Dentures?

A removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues.

What is a Bridge?

Artificial teeth that span the space of a gap between two natural teeth.

Give us a call at 509-927-5909 or send an appointment request.

We also offer Preventative Services and Cosmetic Dentistry procedures.