Gum Disease Control

Why You Might Need It:

If gum infection has reached below the gum line surface and you are experiencing bleeding and swelling in your gums, you may need specialized gum disease control treatment (periodontal cleaning).

What is the Procedure?

Periodontal (or under the gumline) cleanings are typically performed with local anesthetic to maximize your comfort during the deep cleaning. We then use special tools to access debris below the gumline and remove bacteria from the tooth’s surface.

Because of the application of the anesthetic, full mouth periodontal cleanings often require separate visits.

What to Expect After Your Appointment:

It is normal to expect some swelling, tenderness and bleeding after your procedure. This should subside within 3-6 days. Over the counter pain relievers and ice packs can reduce discomfort.

Please feel free to call the office at (509) 927-5909) or request an appointment with any questions or concerns.