Ahhhhh, that first sip of your morning latte.  There’s nothing quite like it.  Neither of us (Dr. Jimmy or Dr. Lisa) actually drink coffee, but we still totally understand how sacred that morning ritual is.

We specifically chose to “pick on” that all important morning latte to contrast just how important your toothbrush is by comparing the two! Let’s get started.

People are spending more time, energy and money on their Lattes than they are their Toothbrushes!

According to an article by coffee company Cliff & Pebble, the cost of coffee is only increasing.  In fact, the cost of coffee beans are expected to increase between 10-15% in 2021 due to… well, the increased cost of acquiring anything in 2021.

The average “regular” latte drinker spends around $7,295 on lattes in 5 years.

Now let’s compare that to the average amount a patient spends on a toothbrush.  If you’re buying a new, standard $5 toothbrush every 3 months (as recommended by the CDC), you’re spending $100 every 5 years on your toothbrush.

That’s a $7,195.00 difference in the two expenses over five years.

And although one may say they would give up their toothbrush before giving up their lattes, besides expense, we have 3 great reasons to focus more of your time, energy and money on your toothbrush instead of your lattes.

1. BACTERIA: Swallowing bacteria vs. swallowing lattes

As good as that first sip of morning coffee is, if you’re not brushing, you could also be swallowing the bacteria that accumulates on your teeth right along with your coffee.  The bacteria in your mouth thrive on leftover sugars from the foods you eat (including sugars from lattes) and you inevitably swallow that bacteria with every sip you take. (Not an appetizing picture.)

Brushing helps eliminate that bacteria and flush it from the surfaces of your teeth before you have the chance to swallow it.  A “bacteria free” sip of anything encourages better overall health and is a great reason to invest in toothbrushes over lattes.

2. LONG TERM BENEFITS: toothbrushes vs. lattes

There is a saying, “only brush the teeth you want to keep.”  It’s an important saying because brushing your teeth regularly is the first step to ensuring that you have them for the duration of your life.

The benefits of brushing for the duration of your life far outweigh the benefits of drinking lattes for the duration of your life. From a creeping waistline to the huge suck on your wallet lattes cause, toothbrushes are the far better long term investment.

3. CONVENIENCE: Toothbrushes shipped to you vs. lattes shipped to you

In this age where time is money, who has time to stop and grab a latte every day?

In many cases, you can get your favorite toothbrush conveniently shipped to your house on a regular basis to make always brushing with a fresh toothbrush a no brainer.

The convenience of toothbrushes can’t compare to lattes.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this playful look at comparing lattes vs toothbrushes and learned something about the importance of your toothbrush and of regular brushing. If you’ve ever wondered if you should invest more in lattes or toothbrushes, we hope we’ve answered that question for you!

Ask about our toothbrush recommendations and brushing techniques at your next appointment.

Give us a call today and we can get you scheduled at a time that’s convenient for you. Don’t skip out investing in your dental care. Lattes are temporary, your teeth are here for the long haul.

Call us at 509-927-5909; we’re looking forward to hearing from you and restoring your healthy smile together.