Like any other medical issue, the question of “when should I seek treatment” is a looming one. No one enjoys being in pain, but it can be hard to tell when seeking medical help is necessary. “When should I call the dentist?”  We get this question often.

We advise coming to see us if your pain is persistent and doesn’t go away within a day or two. But different types of pain require different types of urgency. Today we’ll explain some different types of pain, how important they are and when you should call a dentist.

Pain caused by an incident

Just like any other part of the body, your mouth can get injured from a variety of scenarios. If you fall and hit your jaw, or bump into a wall with your face (we’ve all done it at some point,) it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be checked out right away. If this accident causes you to experience intense bruising, or pain that doesn’t go away within a few days, we recommend coming to see us. 

If something happens that results in immediate, unbearable pain, a missing or loose tooth, or anything you could consider “trauma,” call to come in and see us right away! We are here to help and are able to squeeze emergencies in ASAP.

Pain caused by dental issues 

We hate to see it happen, but occasionally dental work doesn’t stand the test of time. If your crown falls off, a filling comes out, or you have intense pain from treatment, let us help! These are not considered an “emergency” but we do have ways to help you quickly and even some at-home pain remedies we can recommend. We want you in the least amount of pain possible. If something feels off about your dental work, call us as soon as you notice it and we will get you an appointment.

Random Aches & Pains

Not sure why you’re experiencing pain? No problem, we can help you figure it out! Oftentimes people will have a sore mouth and not know what might be wrong. If you have any sort of dental pain that lasts more than a few days feel free to make an appointment and we will use our detective skills to get you feeling better as quickly as possible. 

Nobody likes being in pain, as a team dedicated to patient comfort we love helping people feel better. If you are wondering “Should I get this checked out” feel free to call us at (509) 927-5909 and we can help you determine the plan best for your situation!