Teeth Whitening

Why You Might Need It:

Over time, it is natural for teeth to become dull and yellow in appearance. Professional teeth whitening can restore the bright beautiful smile of your youth as well as boost your confidence.

What is the Procedure?

Professional teeth whitening can result in fast and more dynamic results than over the counter options. There are several professional teeth whitening options including Zoom or professional beach trays.

What to Expect After Your Appointment:

Professional whitening treatments often result in some level of sensitivity immediately following the whitening procedure. It is important to refrain from eating or drinking things that will stain your teeth, especially immediately following the procedure, as the teeth are especially sensitive to staining for the first few days after the whitening treatment.

Ready to get your professional whitening? Give us a call at (509) 927-5909) or request an appointment online.

Finally, the care you deserve!

If you’ve been putting off visiting the dentist (and SO many people do), give us the chance to make going to the dentist something you actually look forward to doing. Your smile is the gateway to your overall health and it’s so important to have regular care.

Let us prove why we’re the RIGHT dentist for you.